Spring 2025 Newcomb Student Grants: Independent Research

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Who Can Apply: Full-time, undergraduate Tulane University students are eligible to apply for funding from the Newcomb Institute. 

Grant proposals may be submitted during either of these cycles:

Fall cycle – Submission deadline of October 15, 2024.
Spring cycle – Submission deadline of March 15, 2025.

Please make sure you have reviewed the grant guidelines outlined on our website.

Application Materials: 


Are you a Newcomb Scholar? 
Are you requesting funding for summer living expenses?
Upload the Faculty Sponsor Approval Form:
Upload a detailed description of the project:

Includes a detailed description of the project, a timeline, and discussion of the significance of the project to Newcomb Institute's mission (2-3 pages maximum).
Upload Budget Worksheet:
Upload a one page budget narrative, explaining each item for which you are requesting funding.
Upload a one-page resume: