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Spring 2025 Newcomb Grants For Faculty
Page 1
Application Materials
To apply, fill out this application and attach the budget worksheet.
Budget Worksheet
Federal Per Diem Rates
Department Chair Approval Form
Name of Applicant:
Job Title:
Email Address
Have you completed the Newcomb
Faculty Affiliate application
Title of Project:
Brief Description of Project:
Total amount requested:
Have you previously received funding from the Newcomb Institute for this project? If yes, detail when and amount received.
In which category is the proposal?
Research grant (max request $5000)
Teaching grant (max request $2500)
Special initiative grant (max request $10,000)
Undergraduate research intern grant (max request $5000)
Are you applying for funding for this project from another source? If yes, where?
Newcomb faculty research grant funding will be prioritized according to the following categories. Please check those categories most relevant to your project.
Elimination of gender-based violence
Advancement of sexual and/or reproductive health and justice
Feminist civic engagment and leadership
If you received prior Newcomb Institute funding for a project that resulted in a publication, please share a citation of where Newcomb support was acknowledged.
Indicate any difficulty which may be involved for the department (course release, hiring a replacement, etc).
Upload Your Project Description (2-3 pages maximum)
Be sure to include a project timetable and to indicate the significance of the project to the NI mission, including a description of any undergraduate student involvement (student researchers, lecture presentation to students, research incorporated into class materials, etc.)
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Upload Your Budget Worksheet
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Upload Your Department Chair Approval Form
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Upload the CV of a guest speaker/visiting scholar if applicable
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