LBC Digital Sign Request Form

Please use this form to submit your request for media to be displayed on the digital screens in the Lavin-Bernick Center. Share your details and attach your media files with the content you'd like to display.

For questions, contact the LBC Facilities & Technology Coordinator, Luke Joia, at

Duration: Your content may remain in the digital signage rotation for up to two weeks. The rotation includes still images displayed for 40 seconds and videos for up to 60 seconds. Please note, that we do not accept requests for exclusive screen use—your content will be part of the general rotation. 
Content: Digital sign content must promote registered events or university initiatives and should clearly display the name of the sponsoring RSO or department. 

Formatting Your Content: To ensure your content looks great on the screens, follow the formatting guidelines listed below.
For images: 
  • Size: 1920px wide x 1080px tall 
  • Acceptable formats: JPG, GIF, TIF, WMF, BMP, PNG 
For videos: 
  • Maximum length: 60 seconds 
  • Acceptable formats: AVI, M4V, MPEG, MP4, MOV, SWF, WMV 
  • No sound is available, so be sure your video content is visually engaging! 
Please note, the LBC reserves the right to approve, deny, or remove digital sign content at any time. 
Please upload the image or video you would like displayed on the monitor.