5 Things TU Know Submission Request Form

5 Things TU Know Submission Details

5 Things TU Know is a weekly e-newsletter sent each Monday by the Lavin-Bernick Center for University Life.  The purpose of the newsletter is to promote events, resources, and opportunities on and around campus to the Tulane community.  

Complete the Submission Request Form to post your information and select the Monday you would like your information shared in the newsletter.  If you want to post information on multiple weeks, please submit each post individually and select the corresponding date.  Please note that the submission request does not guarantee inclusion in the newsletter depending on the number of requests for a particular week.  Be sure to check your information for accuracy before you submit.  

For questions about the newsletter, contact Greg Feiling, Associate Director of the Lavin-Bernick Center for University Life, at gfeiling@tulane.edu.

Is your event registered and approved on WaveSync?